The brave men and women who serve our country aren’t the only ones making a sacrifice, their families make sacrifices too, spending months apart and missing important moments together. Aaron, Alvin, and the foundation support children in military families by providing resources and unique experiences.
Diamonds for Heroes
To make a difference in the lives of military families who have lost a loved one, the A&A All The Way Foundation has partnered with Eterneva, a memorial diamond company. Each year, the foundation will give a memorial diamond to at least one military family.
Month of the Military Child Camp
In honor of the Month of the Military Child, the foundation hosts a free camp in April for military children and their families with the help of the Wisconsin National Guard. Camp activities focus on encouraging community, emotional support, and resilience.
Freedom Is Video Series
The foundation works with military families to record short video messages about what freedom means to them and share messages of encouragement with other children who have a loved one serving our country.